Art work by Peter Eley: Sawn-off plank ends become a terrace of houses. Decoration for his daughter Sarah's wedding in 2002.
peter eley, born 1939
Peter Eley was an architect, CABE enabler and co-founder of workplace specialist DEGW. Eley left DEGW in 1989 to set up his own practice focusing on the reuse of old buildings and community clients with an emphasis on the arts, until he became ill with cancer. In remission, he became one of the first CABE enablers and did other consultancy work. Jacksons Lane community centre, Kingsland Workshops, and the dance studios at Rotherhithe were all examples of his tenacity to bring a sense of hope and quality to declining areas on a shoestring budget.
Click below to view his life story:
Source: Provided to Lives Retold by Joanna Eley, author of this life story and widow of Peter Eley.