Parabolic aerial arrays built by the D. Mackay company for radio astronomy at the University of Cambridge.
donald mackay, born 1926
engineer and mayor of cambridge
Donald Mackay took over from his father the running of the engineering firm of D. Mackay, a Cambridge institution. The firm was founded by his grandfather (also Donald) whose father was a station master at Burntisland, in Fife, Scotland. Donald senior moved from Fife to Cambridge, where he had charge of the hardware section of the Laurie and McConnal department store. He then with his son Duncan bought into a wheelwright and fencing firm, which developed into a general metal working company, together with a tool retailer. Donald was active as a local councillor, and became Mayor of Cambridge. He wrote this account of his life, and of the D. Mackay company, on the occasion of the company’s centenary in 2012.
Source: Provided to Lives Retold by Donald Mackay’s son, Neil Mackay, in 2019.